Dans le café de la jeunesse perdue
Patrick Modiano (2009, 176 pages)
Mon. 28 Apr. 2025 - from 6:15PM to 7:30PM - French Book Club (online)

Quatre narrateurs (un étudiant de l’école des mines, un détective privé, l’héroïne et un de ses amants) construisent le portrait de
Jacqueline Delanque ou Louki. Jeune femme ayant rapidement quitté son mari et qui flâne dans le Paris des années 50/60 en déversant ses
souvenirs : une enfance difficile, un mariage raté et quelques amitiés avec des clients d’un café du quartier de l’Odéon : Le Condé.
Come and join the French Book Club to share your thoughts!
An AFM Membership is required to attend the French Book Club, which is open to all - you do not have to be enrolled on a class with us - and
there is no obligation to attend all sessions; simply turn up on the day. All works and discussions are in French, so an intermediate level
is required.
This session of the French Book Club will meet online. You will be sent a Teams meeting link on the day of the meeting.
Unless otherwise indicated, all Alliance Française de Manchester cultural events are open and accessible to all.They are public events and
under 18s remain under the responsibility of their parent/guardian at all times.
Click here for more information on the French Book Club
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28 Apr 2025 6:15pm
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