Notre-Dame de Paris
Thu. 7 November - from 6pm to 7:15pm
De sa construction médiévale à sa reconstruction actuelle, en passant par les partis pris de Viollet-le-Duc, Notre Dame de Paris a toujours constitué l'un des chantiers sacrés les plus discutés d'Europe.
A quelques mois de sa réouverture au public après le tragique incendie du 15 Avril 2019, une plongée dans l'histoire de ce monument emblématique, de sa naissance à sa renaissance.
Join us on Thur. 7 November 2024 @ 6pm for an online discussion about the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris
Free - Open to all - In French (level Intermediate/B1 recommended).
Event organised by the network of the Alliances Françaises in the UK.
About our guest speaker: Fabienne Manele has 30 years of experience as an art historian and has a Master Degree in History and in Art History. She tours, teaches and writes about monuments throughout the world. She has lived in many places in the world. UK being one of them and she is currently based in India.
Event in French organised by the network of the Alliances Françaises in the UK.
Free - Open to all - In French (level Intermediate/B1 recommended)
Unless otherwise indicated, all Alliance Française de Manchester cultural events are open and accessible to everyone. They are public events and under 18s remain the responsibility of their parent/guardian at all times.